How old is your pet, really?
- Weight Gain
- Arthritis
- Tooth Decay
- Dry Skin
- Reduced Hearing
- and Impaired Vision
Senior Care
Regular check-ups and proper nutrition are critical to caring for senior pets. Because health concerns are best caught in the early stages, experts recommend twice-yearly exams, screenings including blood and urine, to prevent and manage painful or life-threatening conditions.
Weather Wear
Is your pet in pain? Do you know? How can you tell? Many older pets suffer from joint pain without their owners being aware of how uncomfortable they are. Any pet that has reached its senior years, (age 7 or older) is at risk of this condition. It is exacerbated in the cooler, damper fall and winter months. Pets are not always lame; they may just be slower, less responsive, and move around less. If you think your pet may be uncomfortable, please call us for an exam. There are many things that can help your pet be more comfortable and enjoy life to its fullest.